Monday, October 10, 2011


The other day my health teacher briefly discussed the mechanical and psychological process that our bodies and minds go through as we dream.

At least psychologically, dreams tend to be one of those subjective and controversial topics, and often they are hard to discuss without interpretative discord.

Personally, I define dreams as being our subconscious mind's attempt to communicate significant thoughts to our conscious mind. I also believe that it is difficult, though maybe not impossible, to dream about something that our conscious mind has not already experienced.

Below is a dream I had recently and an introspective analysis I conducted on it afterwards:

I am at school.
There is a loud drilling sound and I am convinced that it is coming from a student outside in the hallway. The drilling noise seems to be the student crying, but his cries do not sound normal, not even human. Soon the student enters my classroom, yet he seems to have no recollection of the previous noises, in fact he seems curious as to why I am watching him so closely.

Logical Dream Explanation
The student is a boy I have seen at school, but have never met. The other day I pointed him out to a friend when mentioning he was in my gym class. The crying is most likely my unconscious mind associating my five-year-old brother’s tantrum (earlier that night) with the fact that I commented that my brother’s cries did not sound like his usual cries: that his cries sounded like a different kid’s. Lastly, the drilling noise I heard and automatically linked with the student, was in reality the construction work beginning across the street from my bedroom window at 9:00 that morning. 

I am constantly amazed by the human unconscious. 

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